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       &3bsp;&3bsp;&3bsp; 据实验二的操作步骤可知实验一应是向试管中加入适量的过氧化氢溶液,以与实验二对比.

       &3bsp;&3bsp; 实验二

       &3bsp;&3bsp;&3bsp; 据实验现象产生大量的气泡木条复燃氧气快速产生,故得出结论AluO3能作过氧化氢分解的催化剂.



       Speechless 无言以对

       (Lady GaGa/Stefani Germanotta)

       I can’t belive what you said to me


       Last night when we were alone


       You threw your hands up


       Baby you gave up, you gave up


       I can’t believe how you looked at me


       With your James Dean glossy eyes


       In your tight jeans with your long hair

       穿著你的紧身牛仔酷 留著长发

       And your cigarette stained lies


       Could we fix you if you broke?

       如果你坏掉了 我们可以修好吗 ?

       And is your punch line just a joke?

       难道你那些甜言蜜语只是场笑话 ?

       I’ll never talk again


       Oh boy you’ve left me speechless

       噢 男孩 你让我无言以对

       You’ve left me speechless, so speechless

       你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对

       And I will never love again


       Oh boy you’ve left me speechless

       噢 男孩 你让我无言以对

       You’ve left me speechless, so speechless

       你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对

       I can’t believe how you slurred at me


       With your half wired broken jaw


       You popped my heart seams


       On my bubble dreams, bubble dreams


       I can’t believe how you looked at me


       With your Johnnie Walker eyes


       He’s gonna get you and after he’s through

       他一定会逮到你 当她结束

       There’s gonna be no love left to rye


       And I know that it’s complicated


       But I’m a loser in love


       So baby raise a glass to mend


       All the broken hearts


       Of all my wrecked up friends


       I’ll never talk again


       Oh boy you’ve left me speechless

       噢 男孩 你让我无言以对

       You’ve left me speechless, so speechless

       你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对

       And I will never love again


       Oh boy you’ve left me speechless

       噢 男孩 你让我无言以对

       You’ve left me speechless, so speechless

       你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对








       And after all the drinks and bars that we’ve been to

       喝过那麼多杯 去过那麼多家酒吧

       Would you give it all up?


       Could I give it all up for you?


       And after all the boys and girls that we’ve been through


       Would you give it all up?


       Could you give it all up?


       If I promise to you boy


       That I’ll never talk again


       And I’ll never love again


       I’ll never write a song


       Won’t even sing along


       I’ll never love again


       So speechless


       You left me speechless, so speechless


       Why you so speechless, so speechless?


       Will you ever talk again?


       Oh boy, why you so speechless?

       噢 男孩 为什麼你如此无言以对

       You’ve left me speechless


       Some men may follow me


       But you choose “death and company”


       Why you so speechless? Oh oh oh

       为何你无言以对 , 噢 噢 噢
